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A step-by-step guide on how to sign up with BetAndYou via email
There’s also an option for BetAndYou registration by email address:
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One-click registration of a new BetAndYou user
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Irteeran, saio-hasiera eta pasahitza jaso ditzakezu. Ez utzi artxibo edo irudi gisa erostea. BetAndYou-ren informazioa txandakatu dezakezu gero erabiltzaile-kontura zure kabinete ez-publikorako.
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Arauak & Erabiltzaile berrientzako politikak
BetAndYou webgunean Indiako bezero berriak erregistratzeko arau eta arau sinpleak
BetAndYou-k bete beharreko jarraibide eta eskakizunen zerrenda du, batez ere kontua sortzeko eta egiaztatzeko metodoan. Orain ez badatoz lagunduta, jokalari baten kontua irregulartasunen susmoa izan daiteke edo blokeatuta egon daiteke. To avoid such unpleasant instances, it’s miles essential for clients to familiarize themselves with a small list of requirements:
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BONUS for brand new REGISTERED customers
A detailed manual on how new players from India can get a welcome bonus at BetAndYou
The traditional bonus, which warmly welcomes each new participant is one hundred% on the primary deposit up to 9410 INR. The welcome bonus is credited at once after making a deposit, situation to positive situations:
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the way to confirm an account at the BetAndYou website online for clients from India
most betting websites require the person to verify their identification. this is sending copies of files, which include passport, identification card or riding license. if they forget about this process, then within the destiny they’ll now not be capable of withdraw their winnings.
In Betandyou, the entirety works a touch in another way. here, to withdraw cash, it is sufficient to bind your actual smartphone wide variety. right here is the way it works:
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Egiaztapenari eta erregistroari buruzko galderarik hedatuta dagoenean, gidari laguntza eska diezaiokezu.